Backups (Wheezy)

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Disk space is plentiful these days, there is no excuse not to have an extensive backup program.


If you have a master-slave configuration, connected over a secure local network or a crossover cable, rsyncd can be a simpler solution than permitting rsync connections over ssh. In my paranoia, I prefer that it not have the slightest chance of writing to the master.


chmod 640 /etc/rsyncd.secrets




# Only two groups have access to /docs folders in my config - the user they run under and
# www-data. No reason to use the uid, though.
uid = nobody
gid = www-data
max connections = 3
socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE
# www-data has read-only access anyway, but just to be sure.
read only = true
# Bind to our eth1 local ip
address =
# Only let our friend in.
hosts allow =
hosts deny = *
list = true
use chroot = true
ignore nonreadable = true
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
dont compress = png jpg gif zip 7z rar
# Make sure you make an entry for this in rsyslog.conf
# The log file is the only way you'll find out what is really going wrong.
syslog facility = local4
  path = /home/site1/docs
  auth users = user1
  path = /home/site2/docs
  auth users = user2

Remote User

For each module/site, I make a user on the slave server to handle the backups.


# The .rpass file contains user1's password as specified on the main server's
# rsync.secrets file, and nothing else.
/usr/bin/rsync -a --password-file=/home/user1/.rpass user1@ /home/user1/docs

crontab -e

rsync is really fast. Running it every hour is possibly a bit slow.

14  *   *   *   *    /home/user1/
17  7   *   *   *    /home/user1/

# If you need it. This ends up creating daily backups, rotating over the course of a week.
stamp="$(date +%a)"
if [ -e "$file" ]
  /bin/rm $file
/bin/tar -cjf $file /home/bluehome/docs 2>&1 /dev/null
/bin/chmod 0640 $file

Database Backup

I run the following twice per day from /etc/cron.d. Since the vast majority of my tables are InnoDB, --single-transaction allows things to run fine even if it's performed on the main database server. It takes up no small amount of I/O and CPU, however, so you may still prefer to run this off of a slave.

export STAMP=`date +%a-%H`
export FILE="/storage/dbback/db-$STAMP.sql"
/usr/bin/mysqldump --all-databases --events --single-transaction > $FILE
/bin/chmod 0640 $FILE
/bin/bzip2 -f9 $FILE
/bin/chgrp dbback $FILE.bz2

Backup Exchange

If your data is really important to you, you will use remote backups. Different cities, and different hosting providers.

While you might start out with a vps for this sort of thing, if you want to store a meaningful amount of data, this quickly becomes expensive, and I/O intensive tasks are not friendly to other VPS users, even if your host doesn't keep good track of that.

A single backup of all my sites, compressed, weighs in at 25gb. If I want to store a week of this, have room to compress/decompress as needed, and have room to grow, a VPS from a good provider costs as much as or more than a decent dedicated server does.

The result is I have a lot of ssh keys and commands of the form

/usr/bin/sftp -P sshport userback@remotehost:/storage/somebackupfolder/something-$STAMP.sql.bz2 /storage/somebackupfolder/

Where $STAMP is a `date +%a` call as above.

There are certainly prettier systems, but this works.